I’m feeling a bit janky, so alls you’re getting this week is my weird, long and rambling notes on this episode.

Rumpelstiltskin removes his Shadow and gives it the Dark One’s dagger for safekeeping. The Shadows are separate, autonomous beings from their casters (people that cast shadows?) I wonder if a shadow could betray it’s caster? Greg’s shadow better not jump back inside of him and bring him back to life. Weird, up until this point, Shadows were removed from inside people, but Rumpelstiltskin casts his Shadow onto a wall and cuts it off from his feet. (Don’t tell the writers that more that one light source can cause a person to cast multiple shadows.)
Hook and Charming are having a pissing match. This is a productive use of their energy.
Neverland is evil. EVIL! Everything is cursed, poisonous or annoying. EVIL!
The magic mirror/genie is back.
A rehash, yet again, in a flashback, of the old feud between Regina and the Charmings. She gives them an ultimatum, yet again, and, yet again, they find a way to weasel out of it. This show has to remind us every few episodes that the EVIL QUEEN is evil, or else we might forget.
Peter Pan totally pulls a “I like a girl with spirit!” with Emma and it is really, really gross.
Emma needs to admit to herself that she’s fairy tale Jesus. Why has fairy tale God forsaken her?
Ugh. They’re bickering again. Didn’t that thing with the mermaids teach them about teamwork? Why have they forgotten already?

What’s up with that deer in the background? I bet that deer is an evil spy. I saw an evil look in that devilish deer’s eye. Or, it’s Bambi.
Don’t spinning wheels usually have a pedal? Why is Rumpelstiltskin always turning it with his hands? When are we going to get the flashback where Aurora pricks her finger on Rumpelstiltskin’s spindle? Rumpelstiltskin must be involved in everybody’s backstory.
Belle can astral project or something. Or, she’s an illusion. Rumpelstiltskin needs to see a therapist. Rumpelstiltskin has daddy issues. Quickly, everyone start pitching your wild theories as to who Rumpelstiltskin’s father could be! My bet is that Rumpelstiltskin’s father is Merlin, who had to leave because he was aging backwards. Eventually, when Merlin became boy-aged, he realized that only had a few more years left before he would die, so he travelled to Neverland, where he would stop aging (or youngening), and became PETER PAN!
Snow White’s wig looks like it’s been farted upon by hobos.
The Enchanted Forest is really small. You can get anywhere in less than a half day’s ride.
Captain Hook and Prince Charming are in love with each other now.
How did Felix get Rumpelstiltskin’s old doll anyhow?
Excalibur? REALLY? Heh. Remember that time that Lancelot died offscreen? Um. Snow White can wield Excalibur? She’s “The Once and Future King”? Her name isn’t Arthur! HARUMPH.
Peter Pan is wearing Henry’s clothing. Henry is naked somewhere.
There’s a fight, but none of the stupid kids die. HARUMPH.
Captain Hook alludes to having done something horrible to Rufio in the past. I’m going to bet that they deviate from the storyline of the movie Hook and actually have the bad thing be something other that killing Rufio. Rufio will probably return as yet another character looking for revenge.
Adoption is evil. EVIL!
Oh, good, it’s a fake Excalibur. She just needed to think it was Excalibur, so that she would believe in herself. Incidentally, “Mudd’s Women” is a cruddy episode of Star Trek.
Rumpelstiltskin takes Snow White’s Mother’s necklace. This will probably be an important plot point later.
It’s implied that a fairy, possibly Tinker Bell, is messing with Rumpelstiltskin. YAY! More characters!
Prince Charming is poisoned!
That deer is my new favourite character. (I hope it’s Bambi!)