This episode was all about the team learning to work together as a cohesive unit.

- An “0-8-4” is an object of unknown origin. They have found one in Peru.
- S.H.I.E.L.D. keeps things like this “quiet and contained” so that the public doesn’t panic. This doesn’t sit well with Skye.
- Coulson mentions an antimatter comet incident. A lot of cool things happened in the past, which they can’t actually show us, because the budget is too small. I hope that they don’t mention too many incidents like that, because they risk having things that happened off-screen being way cooler than what we’re shown.
- Ward doesn’t trust Skye, but he also doesn’t like working on a team in general. He’s used to being a one person solution.

- Agent Coulson had a relationship with the Peruvian Police Commander, Camilla Reyes, in the past. I hope this isn’t a running theme with every country they go to having on of Coulson’s old girlfriends living in it.
- Fitz and Simmons aren’t related? I thought they were twins or something. I can’t even tell them apart.
- May is easily the most competent of the recruits, but they have her as the driver. When do we get to see the incident that forced her out of the field?
- Skye likes the Twitter and the social media and the fighting the power. I think that teenagers are supposed to identify with her or something.
- The “0-8-4” is really a tesseract weapon commissioned by the Peruvian government. Reyes wants it to quell a rebel uprising. She has her men take over the Bus.
- The team gets over their differences and defeats Reyes. It only took one episode for them to learn to get along. That was fast. Ward especially turns from
- Sky is still secretly with the Rising Tide, though, because they’re the only ones that know how to use the power of Twitter for good, like she does.

- Nick Fury stops by to remind us how great the movies were. They need to stop referencing the movies and have this show stand on its own.
- This team still doesn’t have an official name?