This post contains spoilers for the fourteenth episode of the second season of Once Upon a Time, Manhattan. If you haven’t watched this episode yet, then you might not want to read this.
Hey, the plot actually progressed in this episode.
I am really tired of the stupid kid.
Anyway, here are some things we discovered in this episode.
Rumpelstiltskin busted his own leg
Baelfire is Neal Cassidy
Henry can’t stay in another room for more than 2 minutes
SPOILER ALERT! If you have seen episode 6 season 2 of Once Upon a Time, then you might not want to read this!
I don’t know, for an episode that was supposed to be some big revelation, I found this episode to be kind of “blah”.
So, anyway…
Yeehaw! It’s 1870!
Michael Raymond-James’ character, who we met way back in episode 1 of season 2, is a guy named “Neal Cassidy”. He was Emma’s boyfriend and he is probably Henry’s dad. Then again, we never saw a paternity test, so whoever fathered Henry is still up for grabs. My bet is on Henry having been conceived by THE FORCE and something something midi-chlorians.
A more important question, I think, is why does August Booth have Marsellus Wallace’s soul?
There was also some jazz in this episode about stealing a magical golden compass from the last big friendly giant in the world. Hey, a golden compass? Who owns the movie rights to the His Dark Materials movie series, now that New Line Cinema has gone belly up? If I recall correctly, there was travel between universes in His Dark Materials, just like in Once Upon a Time. They could totally do a crossover! I doubt ABC would want to anger the Catholic church though…
And, apparently, Captain Hook is in love with Emma, or something. LOVE TRIANGLE! DRAMA BOMB!
Also, Neal gave August a bunch of money to give to Emma, but August spent it all on hookers.
I think they need to make Mulan a little less angry all the time.