In this episode Ichabod and Abbie try to prevent an evil witch from attaining corporeal form.

I’m still catching-up on this show, so this is just going to be a few points.
- It’s interesting that they decided to use Conquest instead of Pestilence as one of the Four Horsemen. Although, it is one interpretation of the bible, Conquest seems like it would be more difficult to represent on screen.
- Ichabod is still wearing his old-timey clothing. How many days in a row can he wear the same pants?
- August Corbin is back in flashback form and maybe ghost form? I wonder how many ways they can finagle it so that Clancy Brown can keep starring on the show when his character isn’t alive?
- Abbi was on her way to becoming an FBI profiler, but now it seems like she’s going to become a monster profiler.
- Gee, General George Washington sure seemed to know a lot about demons and witches and the like.
- Really? No one is going to notice that giant hole in the police station’s wall?
- The power of witches is tied into the cycle of the moon. What happens during an eclipse?
- Ugh. Ichabod claims to have an eidetic memory. This is always such an annoying trait in a character, because most television writers don’t have an eidetic memory and you always end up with a situation where the character doesn’t remember something from a past episode, but the audience does.
- Of course the grotesque witch ends up turning sexy before the episode ends. You can’t have ugly, scary women on TV!