In this episode, we learn a bunch more about Jenny Mills’ past.

Still catching up…
- The Boston Tea Party was Ichabod Crane’s idea? Is he involved in every big even from that era?
- Why doesn’t Ichabod have a change of clothes yet?
- Jenny had a string of abusive foster parents after being separated from Abbie.
- Jenny travelled the world training with various freedom fighters and rebel groups? When? When she was a teenager?
- Jenny also knew Sheriff Corbin and she would procure rare artifacts for him. Really? Again, while she was a teenager?
- Why didn’t Corbin get Jenny out of her abusive situation? Why didn’t he tell Abbie that he knew her sister? It’s really bizarre. It seems a bit like he was only using her.

- There are sleeper cells of Hessian Warrior pretending to be regular people, but apparently they’re all German soldiers contracted by the British to fight in the against the Americans in the Revolutionary War 200 years ago, so, I don’t, maybe they should check all the German people’s basements for jars of organs.
- Hey, Crane knows German. Why shouldn’t he? Crane knows a lot of stuff, yo!
- General Washington seemed really concerned with demons and the like. Why didn’t he try to make peace with the British, so that they could join forces and fight the demons together? Were the British in league with the Antichrist.
- All this talk about the Apocalypse and Revelations and they never mention Jesus’ role in it…

- It turns out the the mastermind behind the Hessian sleeper cells is a demon named “Moloch”, like the one described in Milton’s Paradise Lost. It’s the same demon that Abbie and Jenny saw as children.
- When Gunther said that the mastermind was someone that they all knew, I was really hoping that it was going to be Sheriff Corbin and then they could have a twist about how he was trying to destroy the Hessian from within or something.
- Abbie says that she has a way to get Jenny out of the asylum in six months. This show’s first season ends in January, so I guess we won’t be seeing Jenny for the rest of the season then.