TV Show Rambling: Sleepy Hollow S01E04 “The Lesser Key of Solomon”


In this episode, we learn a bunch more about Jenny Mills’ past.

a screencap of jenny mills (played by lyndie greenwood) holding a gun
Crazy Lady with a Gun

Still catching up…

  • The Boston Tea Party was Ichabod Crane’s idea? Is he involved in every big even from that era?
  • Why doesn’t Ichabod have a change of clothes yet?
  • Jenny had a string of abusive foster parents after being separated from Abbie.
  • Jenny travelled the world training with various freedom fighters and rebel groups? When? When she was a teenager?
  • Jenny also knew Sheriff Corbin and she would procure rare artifacts for him. Really? Again, while she was a teenager?
  • Why didn’t Corbin get Jenny out of her abusive situation? Why didn’t he tell Abbie that he knew her sister? It’s really bizarre. It seems a bit like he was only using her.
a screencap of the hessian sleepy cell agent, gunther (played by carsten norgaard)
It’s Gunther!
  • There are sleeper cells of Hessian Warrior pretending to be regular people, but apparently they’re all German soldiers contracted by the British to fight in the against the Americans in the Revolutionary War 200 years ago, so, I don’t, maybe they should check all the German people’s basements for jars of organs.
  • Hey, Crane knows German. Why shouldn’t he? Crane knows a lot of stuff, yo!
  • General Washington seemed really concerned with demons and the like. Why didn’t he try to make peace with the British, so that they could join forces and fight the demons together? Were the British in league with the Antichrist.
  • All this talk about the Apocalypse and Revelations and they never mention Jesus’ role in it…
a screencap of a cgi demon trying to escape
  • It turns out the the mastermind behind the Hessian sleeper cells is a demon named “Moloch”, like the one described in Milton’s Paradise Lost. It’s the same demon that Abbie and Jenny saw as children.
  • When Gunther said that the mastermind was someone that they all knew, I was really hoping that it was going to be Sheriff Corbin and then they could have a twist about how he was trying to destroy the Hessian from within or something.
  • Abbie says that she has a way to get Jenny out of the asylum in six months. This show’s first season ends in January, so I guess we won’t be seeing Jenny for the rest of the season then.

TV Show Rambling: Sleepy Hollow S01E02 “Blood Moon”


In this episode Ichabod and Abbie try to prevent an evil witch from attaining corporeal form.

a screencap of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, conquest, war, famine and death
Dunna Dunna Dunna Dunna BONANZA!

I’m still catching-up on this show, so this is just going to be a few points.

  • It’s interesting that they decided to use Conquest instead of  Pestilence as one of the Four Horsemen. Although, it is one interpretation of the bible, Conquest seems like it would be more difficult to represent on screen.
  • Ichabod is still wearing his old-timey clothing. How many days in a row can he wear the same pants?
  • August Corbin is back in flashback form and maybe ghost form? I wonder how many ways they can finagle it so that Clancy Brown can keep starring on the show when his character isn’t alive?
  • Abbi was on her way to becoming an FBI profiler, but now it seems like she’s going to become a monster profiler.
  • Gee, General George Washington sure seemed to know a lot about demons and witches and the like.
  • Really? No one is going to notice that giant hole in the police station’s wall?
  • The power of witches is tied into the cycle of the moon. What happens during an eclipse?
  • Ugh. Ichabod claims to have an eidetic memory. This is always such an annoying trait in a character, because most television writers don’t have an eidetic memory and you always end up with a situation where the character doesn’t remember something from a past episode, but the audience does.
  • Of course the grotesque witch ends up turning sexy before the episode ends. You can’t have ugly, scary women on TV!

TV Show Rambling: Sleepy Hollow S01E01 “Pilot”


So there’s this show, Sleepy Hollow, and people are all like, “Laurel, you’ve got to watch this show! It’s crazy!” and I’m all like, “No.” and they’re all like, “Come on.” and I’m all like, “Meh.” and they’re all like, “PLEASE?”, and I’m all like, “FINE.”

So, anyway, Sleepy Hollow, a fairy tale character, Ichabod Crane, who helps a modern-day police force solve crimes of a supernatural nature. You may ask, “Hey, isn’t that a bit like that show, Grimm?” NO! IT’S ENTIRELY DIFFERENT! SHUT UP!

a screencap of the sleepy hollow village sign

Ichabod Crane is a history professor that has been buried for 250 years. He was charged with dispatching the Headless Horseman or Death the first rider of the Apocalypse, by President George Washington himself.

Ichabod has the “Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer” syndrome really bad. All of our new-fangled devices and cultural differences fright and confuse him.

Lt. Abbie Mills is the only detective on the force that believes Ichabod’s crazy tale, mostly because she saw her partner, Sheriff August Corbin, get his head cut off by the Headless Horseman with her own eyes.

Ichabod and Lt. Mills join together to find the Horseman’s head, before he can be reunited with it and usher in the Apocalypse. They find the head, but they are unable to destroy the Horseman, even though it’s just simple sunlight that kills him.

One of Abbie’s colleagues, Officer Andy Brooks is working for the dark forces behind the Headless Horseman and the doomsday prophecy.

a screencap of Lt. Abbie Mills (played by nicole beharie) and ichabod crane (played by tom mison)
Unlikely partners!

I don’t believe that this is the last we’ll see of Clancy Brown’s character, Sheriff August Corbin. For one thing he was given an “and” credit not a “guest-starring”. I just hope it isn’t his voice on a new tape every single episode, because, really, who needs hundreds of recordings of their own voice? Also, who uses tapes anymore? Seriously, Sheriff August Corbin just happening to have a recording that pertains the every weeks episode could get annoying fast.

Ichabod says something about the prophecy saying that he and Abbie will have to work for seven years together to keep the evil at bay. Hey, the starship Enterprise only had a five yar mission and its television series couldn’t even last that long. Aiming for a 7 year series? Wishful thinking much?

I bet there’s a whole todo in the next episode about getting Ichabod to dress up in modern-day clothing.

Isn’t it funny that none of the characters on this show are aware of the story, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, by Washington Irving?

Overall, it looks like I’m going to enjoy Sleepy Hollow much more than Grimm. I really like that normal people can actually see the supernatural beings on this show.